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Getting started



Before you get started, we recommend reading this page to understand the core concepts.

Once familiar with Commercetools, start the integration by configuring your Falcon Middleware.

If you reach a point where it is necessary for you to extend our integration, you can have a look at the documentation.

Getting started with Commercetools

To get started with Commercetools, you can follow their tutorials and explore their platform.

Deity's integration makes use of Commercetools' Typescript SDK. You can the documentation and repository here:

Commercetools Postman Collection

Commercetools provides a Postman collection containing examples of requests and responses for most endpoints and commands. For every command the smallest possible payload is given, optional fields can be found in the API documentation.

To get started with the Postman collection, you can follow these steps:

1. Create an API key

In your Commercetools dashboard you'll need to create a new API key that has permissions to manage_types. Save these credentials for a later step.

Create a new key

We recommend creating a new key for this action so you can't reduce the permissions needed for your main API key used by the Deity application.

2. Download and install the Postman client

Download Postman client

3. Download sample Postman collections

Commercetools have a handy repository containing JSON collection files you can import directly into Postman.

Please download and import these.

4. Add your credentials

The collections from step 1 required you to add some credentials as Postman variables. You can set these variables in the Variables tab of the collection. These variables are from step 1:

  • auth_url
  • client_id
  • client_secret
  • project-key
  • host

5. Authorize your requests

If you completed step 4 you should be able to run the request Authorization -> Obtain access token. This will create an access token and save it as a Postman variable for later requests.

If the token is not saved automatically, you can manually save the access token as the ctp_access_token variable of the collection.