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Integrating with Contentful

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In this tutorials we will look at dynamic routing using the extension from part 1.


Using the course data from part 1 we will make routes like render content for that course.

1. Create an API to access course data based on it's ID

At the moment we have a courses query that allows us to access all of the courses. We now want to create a course query so we can get a specific course.

i. Add to your API


async course(_, { id }) {
const { environment, spaceId, contentDeliveryApi } = this.config;
const query = {
access_token: contentDeliveryApi,
content_type: 'course'
const data = await this.get(`/spaces/${spaceId}/environments/${environment}/entries/${id}`, query);
return JSON.parse(data);

ii. Add to your extensions GraphQL Schema

We will also need to add this query to our GraphQL schema.


extend type Query {
courses: Courses! @cache(ttl: 15)
course(id: ID!): Course! @cache(ttl: 15)

iii. Test your endpoint.

You should now be able to test your GraphQL. Make sure falcon-server is running and is on https://localhost:4000/graphql.

Also remember to replace YOUR_CONTENT_ID with your course ID.

2. Create your content query and component

You now need to create a component to access this data.

As before we want to add a content component and a query component.

|- Course


i. CourseQuery.js


import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { Query } from '@deity/falcon-data';

const GET_COURSE = gql`
query Course($id: ID!) {
course(id: $id) {
fields {

export class CourseQuery extends Query {
static defaultProps = {

At the moment we are only querying the title and description. If you want more data you'd have to add it to server/src/falcon-content-extension/schema.graphql as well as your query here.

ii. Course.js

At the moment we just rendering the title, description and changing the page title.

Notice we are using <Helmet> to change the page title. To learn more about this read how falcon manages meta data via helmet.


import React from 'react';
import { PageLayout } from '@deity/falcon-ui-kit';
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet-async';
import { CourseQuery } from './CourseQuery';

const Course = ({ match: { params } }) => {
const { id } = params;
return (
<CourseQuery variables={{ id }}>
{({ data: { course } }) => {
const {
fields: { title, description }
} = course;
return (


export default Course;

3. Return URL data from our API

<SwitchDynamicURL> is used for routing in Falcon Platform, it's worth looking at routing details here.

All APIs that are registered in our server/config/default.json and contain both the below methods will be checked.

  • fetchUrl
  • getFetchUrlPriority

getFetchUrlPriority is used to set priority of your API. You might want to alter the priority if you're worried about URLs clashing. This is covered in our docs.


module.exports = class ContentfulApi extends ApiDataSource {

async getCourses() {
const { environment, spaceId, contentDeliveryApi } = this.config;

const query = {
access_token: contentDeliveryApi,
content_type: 'course'

const data = await this.get(`/spaces/${spaceId}/environments/${environment}/entries`, query);
const courseCollection = JSON.parse(data);

const { items } = courseCollection;

return items;

async fetchUrl(_, params) {
const { path } = params;

if (path.split('/')[1] === 'course') {
const items = await this.getCourses();
const current = items.find(item => `/course/${item.fields.slug}` === path);

if (current) {
const { fields, sys } = current;
return {
path: fields.slug,
type: 'content-course'
return null;

getFetchUrlPriority() {
return this.fetchUrlPriority;

There is quite a bit going on here.

i. getFetchUrlPriority

We are just returning the default priority set in ApiDataSource.

If you wanted to change this you could follow a similar pattern to the example below. This returns a low priority for all urls except 'hello'.


import { ApiUrlPriority } from '@deity/falcon-server-env';
getFetchUrlPriority(path) {
return (path === 'hello') ? ApiUrlPriority.HIGH : ApiUrlPriority.LOW;

ii. fetchUrl

In this method we are checking a few things. Firstly we are checking the current path starts with course.

if (path.split('/')[1] === 'course') {

We then check all the courses to see if any of them have a matching slug.

const items = await this.getCourses();
const current = items.find(item => `/course/${item.fields.slug}` === path);

If they match then we return an FetchUrlResult object.


export interface FetchUrlResult {
id: string | number;
type: string;
path: string;
redirect: boolean;

In our case we don't need to pass a redirect so just pass a type, id and path.

return {
path: fields.slug,
type: 'content-course'

If your URLs don't match remember to return null

4. Add a <Route> check for your content type.

Now we need to check for our type, content-course.

In our example apps the routing is handled in client/src/App.js.


import { SwitchDynamicURL } from '@deity/falcon-front-kit';
const Course = loadable(() => import('./components/Course/Course'));
<Route exact type="content-course" component={Course} />

You will see here we pass the prop type to our <Route>. This will return the Course component if the type matches.

n.b. If your'e using loadable your component needs to be the default export

5. Finished

That's it. There is a lot covered in this short tutorial and it's highly recommended to read up on routing in more details.