CLI reference
Build list
List your current builds.
dcloud build:list
-l <limit>
Limit the results-p <page>
Which page of results to show
Example: show 30 results
dcloud build:list -l 30
Build info
Get information on a build.
dcloud build [id]
Watch a build (if it's not finished)-o
Show build output to the console
Example: Watch the build with id 20
dcloud build 20 -w
Deployment list
List your deployments
dcloud deployment:list
-l <limit>
Limit the results-p <page>
Which page of results to show
Example: show 30 results on the second page
dcloud deployment:list -l 30 -p 2
Deployment info
Get information on a deployment.
dcloud deployment [id]
Watch a deployment (if it's not finished)-o
Show deployment output to the console
Example: show the output of deployment 2
dcloud deployment -o 2
Deploy a build
dcloud deployment:run [buildId] [environmentName]
Auto-confirm the deployment process. Useful if you're not deploying manually.
Example: Deploy build 20 to the development environment
dcloud deployment:run 20 development
Environments list
List all available environments
dcloud env:list
Options N/A
Environment info
Get info on a specific environment
dcloud env <env>
Options N/A
Environment deployments
Get deployments for an environment
dcloud env:deployments <env>
-l <limit>
Limit the results-p <page>
Which page of results to show
Environment variable
Set a variable on an environment
dcloud env:var:set <env> <name> [value]
encrypt the variable being set
Example: set the variable API_KEY to 12345 on the test environment and encrypt it
dcloud env:var:set -s test API_KEY 12345
Environment set domain
Set the domain for an environment
dcloud env:domain:set <env> [domainName]
Options N/A
Environment variables apply
Apply environment variable changes without redeploying your app.
dcloud env:var:apply ENV_NAME
Options N/A
Repositories list
Get a list of your current/active repositories
dcloud repo
Show setup instructions for each repository
Project info
Get your project information
dcloud project <name>
Options N/A
Projects list
Get a list of your projects
dcloud project:list
Options N/A
Project current
Get the current project
dcloud project:current
Options N/A
Project set current
Set a project as current
dcloud project:current:set <name>
Options N/A
This is deprecated, please use Login with Token to log in. Existing users will be promted to migrate to using a token for logging in.
Logs into Deity Falcon Cloud using credentials. If credentials aren't passed you will be prompted to add them.
dcloud login [email] [password]
Options N/A
Login with token
Logs into Deity Falcon Cloud using a token. If a token isn't passed you will be prompted to add one.
dcloud login:token [token]
Options N/A
Logs the current user out
dcloud logout
Options N/A
Log list
List log including error, warnings and info
dcloud log:list
Choose the severity of logs you wish to log (info
)-l <limit>
Limit the results-p <page>
Which page of results to show
Example: Get the second page of critical logs
dcloud log:list --severity=critical -p 2
Log watch
Watch the logs for an environment
dcloud log:watch
Options N/A
Who am I
Get the current logged in user
dcloud whoami
Options N/A