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Redirects can be added in 2 ways. Either in a flat file (you'll need Falcon Server access for this), or, they can come from your shops API package.

Flat redirects (Enterprise Only)

To add flat redirects you must first create a server/config/redirects.txt file. You can then add your redirects there. All redirects added to this file are treated as 301.

This file path can be configured in your server/config files. The config variable is redirectFile

"redirectFile": "config/redirects.txt" // default file path

1 to 1 redirect

The format of this file should have each redirect on a new line with the orgin and destination seperated by a space.

origin destination


/product-1 /product-2

In this example the url /product-1 will 301 redirect to /product-2

Regex support

We also support regex. Any entry prefixed with @ is considered regex.


@\/product-1$  /product-2

In this example any url that ends in /product-1 will be redirected to /product-2

Query string support

If you want to pass query parameters accross that is also possible by assigning them to a variable using (.*)$.

Each time you use the string (.*)$ it is passed as a variable in numberical order to $1 and then $2 and so on.


@\/product-1(\?.*)?$  /product-2$1

In this example everything after product-1 is saved as $1 and passed to the end of the destination. e.g. =>

example 2

@^(.*)\/product-1(.*)$  $1/product-2$2

In this example everything before product-1 is set to $1 and everything after is set to $2. e.g. =>

Shop API redirects

Redirect support is directly injected into your shops fetchUrl() method.

We check for URL matches, if none are returned we then query the shops redirect API. If a match is found we return an object:

path, // the location to be redirected
status // the type of redirect e.g. 301, 302, 404


To get redirects to work you'll need to make sure you have a DynamicRedirect component in your route App.js.

This uses react-router-dom to handle the redirect.


import React from 'react';
import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom';

export const DynamicRedirect = ({ match, location, staticContext }) => {
const { path, status = 301 } = match.params;
if (staticContext) {
staticContext.status = status;
return <Redirect from={location.pathname} to={path} />;


import { ..., DynamicRedirect } from './components';
const App = () => (
<SwitchDynamicURL onLoading={({ component }) => <LoaderWrapper>{component}</LoaderWrapper>}>
<Route exact type="redirect" component={DynamicRedirect} />
<Route component={NotFound} />

n.b. the DynamicRedirect should be passed to the second to last Route component to allow the other routes to be rendered with a higher priority.

server/config/redirects.txt (for flat redirects)

/contact/ /contact-us/
/old-product/ /new-product/
/old-page/ /