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In-app routing is based on react-router.

Dynamic Routing relies on both Falcon Client and Falcon Server. To see an example of how to get dynamic routing working please look at our Contentful integration guide.

In our example projects the routing happens in client/src/App.js.

SwitchDynamicURL, imported from @deity/falcon-front-kit is used to handle routes.


import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import {
} from '@deity/falcon-front-kit';

const App = () => (
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route exact path="/blog/:page?" component={Blog} />
<Route exact type="shop-product" component={Product} />
<Route component={NotFound} />

export default App;

SwitchDynamicURL basics:

This component @deity/falcon-front-kit/src/DynamicRoute/SwitchDynamicUrl, wraps your <Route> much like import { Switch } from "react-router-dom";.

Using the current location and it's child components it will determine what to render.

If there is a path match in one of the child components that will take priority.

e.g. if the URL was https://yourstore/checkout, the Checkout component would be rendered.

<Route exact path="/checkout" component={Checkout} />
Exact URLs

If you want your URL to match exactly you can pass exact as a prop. Read more here

Static Routing

As explained above, static URLs use the path prop to match a path to a component.

You will see we are also matching on path with a dynamic variable for :page?. In this instance it handles the blogs pagination and is later available as param passed automatically to the Blog component.

<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route exact path="/blog/:page?" component={Blog} />


const Blog = ({ match = {} }) => {
const { params } = match;
<BlogPostListQuery variables={{ pagination: { perPage: 9, page: || 1 } }}>

Dynamic Routing

In a lot of instances you won't know exactly which URLs you are looking for, for example https://your-site/product-name.html. This is what we refer to as dynamic routing. It requires you to query your APIs to look for a match.

In this case we would match on type and not path.

<Route exact type="shop-product" component={Product} />

The type is returned by a method in your API code (in Falcon Server).

For more details please checkout out our dynamic routing docs.

n.b. If path prop is passed the type will be ignored.

Protected Routes

If you want a route to protected to logged in customer only you should use <ProtectedRoute> instead of <Route>.

This accepts the same props as <Route> but also redirectsTo. This is used for unauthenticated users.

An example of this is the account area. This will redirect to the sign-in page if the customer isn't logged in.

<ProtectedRoute path="/account" redirectTo={`/sign-in`} component={Account} />