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Falcon Client ships with @deity/falcon-ui.

This contains a powerful ThemeProvider and a library of composable, themeable, design-system-driven UI components.

It's worth looking at these docs for detailed theming information.

Don't want to read the docs?

Here's a quick introduction to theming Falcon Platform.


@deity/falcon-ui comes with a ThemeProvider out of the box. This allows us to have shared and global styles (written in js) across your application.

Out of the box Falcon Platform also supports css and scss.

Writing CSS in ReactJs

If you're new to writing CSS in ReactJs, it's worth reading these docs.

Global styles

Global styles can be passed to the ThemeProvider as a prop.

It expects an object of styles in the following format:

export const globalCss = {
body: {
margin: 0,
overflowX: 'hidden'

If desired, you can also export a function that takes the current theme as a parameter:

export const globalCss = theme => ({
body: {
background: theme.colors.primary

By default the ThemeProvider component is included in client/src/App.js. The globalCss object is normal exported in your client/src/styling/theme.js file.

If you're not using the new theme the theme.js file can be found here: client/src/theme.js

<ThemeProvider theme={props.theme} globalCss={globalCss}>

Creating a theme

The ThemeProvider expects a prop, theme. This is where we define out global / theme variables.

To create a theme we use the function createTheme. This is normally done in client/src/styling/theme.js.

createTheme extends the default theme. This can be found here - @deity/falcon-ui/src/theme/theme.ts.


import { createTheme } from '@deity/falcon-ui';

export const yourThemeName = createTheme({
colors: {
primaryLight: '#555855'

We then pass that as a prop to the ThemeProvider from ThemeEditorState (usually in client/src/App.js).


import { ThemeEditor, ThemeEditorState } from '@deity/falcon-theme-editor';
import { yourThemeName, globalCss } from './styling/theme';

<ThemeEditorState initial={yourThemeName}>
{props => (
<ThemeProvider theme={props.theme} globalCss={globalCss}>

We now have access to this theme when writing css or creating a themed component.

How the theme works

Theme fallback

Any theme created using createTheme, falls back to the default theme defined in @deity/falcon-ui/src/theme/theme.ts. Your new theme will replace variables from this if defined.

How object keys are mapped to CSS properties

You will notice that the theme is nested with keys such as colors, spacing, fontSizes etc.

These are mapped to css properties meaning that the correct value is passed.

You will also notice some props are shortcuts for the css property, e.g. m="xxl" is used instead of margin="xxs".

Find out more about css mapping and shortcuts

Responsive styling

If you want a property to change based on window width based media queries you can pass it an object. Each object key refers to a breakpoint (these can be defined in your theme.js if you don't want to keep the core ones @deity/falcon-ui/src/theme/theme.ts). These breakpoints create mobile first css (@media and (max-width: <breakpoint>).


xs: 'xs',
sm: 'sm'


breakpoints: {
xs: 0,
sm: 640,
md: 860,
lg: 1280,
xl: 1920

Adding complex CSS

If you want to add more complex css, for instance styling child selectors, pseudo elements or state changes you can do this in the css prop.

It's also possible to access the theme object here so you can still use global variables.

n.b. You can't use CSS shortcuts like mb for marginBottom in the CSS prop


<Box css={({ theme }) => {
'&:focus': {
outline: `1px dotted ${theme.colors.secondary}`
span: {
color: theme.colors.primary