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Caching occurs in a few different forms with Falcon Platform. You have asset caches via the browser and a service worker, and data caches handled by Falcon Server (GraphQL).

Falcon Client

Webpack generates unique chunk names during each build. These chunks are set to have a cache lifetime of 1 year. This means the a users will get a new version of your code each time you deploy new changes (run the build script). See our code splitting guide for more information.

Our service worker will cache these static assets in local storage.

We have 2 components to help with this and to prevent that users are getting served stale content. These are imported from our @deity/falcon-service-worker package. They will show users a message to fetch new content if changes are detected.


import { ServiceWorkerRegistrar, ServiceWorker } from '@deity/falcon-service-worker';

{({ isWaiting, skipWaiting }) =>
isWaiting ? (
Site has updated. To see changes close other tabs or
<Button size="ms" p="xs" m="sm" onClick={() => skipWaiting()}>
click here
) : null

Falcon Server

Falcon Server also adds a layer of caching for all it's requests. Read our Falcon Server caching docs.