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Internationalization is based on i18next.


All i18n resources should be placed in ./i18n directory, and folder structure should follow pattern {{lng}}/{{ns}}.json. Which means each language needs to have own directory with json file per namespace:


Default namespace is translations and there is also fallback configured to it, in case if translation key can not be found in other namespaces.

HMR for translation files is supported.


Configuration options base on i18next and you can change them via configuration config.i18n exported from bootstrap.js file:

  • lng: string - (default: en) default application language
  • fallbackLng: string - (default: en) language to use if translations in selected language are not available
  • whitelist: string[] - (default: ['en']) available languages, it may be be narrowed, if installed extensions does not support all of specified
  • ns: string[] - (default: ['translations']) namespaces used by application
  • debug: boolean - (default: false) i18next debug mode switch
  • resources: object - (default: undefined) allows to inject translations inline, useful during testing


Node.js has rich internationalization support, however, more of them are disabled because it requires very large ICU data file which is not provided by Node.js by default. In order to enable it, you need to provide a path to ICU data file at runtime. falcon-client will try to resolve that path to ICU data file automatically, but only in development (falcon-client start). In production, you need to configure it according to your needs, here you can find available techniques.

By default node.js does not

React components

Using i18next directly in react is clumsy, so we provide Components to make it very easy

I18n Component

<I18n> is a component rendering render props:

It is useful in cases when you would like to have an access to t function to get a translated text inline:

{t => <Image src={items[0].full} alt={t("productGallery.imageAlt")} />}

or you need to have an access to i18next instance to change the language:

{(_t, i18n) => (
onChange={x => i18n.changeLanguage(x.code)}

T Component

As in many places you will need to render a translated text as children of other Component, we introduce <T /> Component which behaves exactly like i18next.TranslationFunction. To get translated string for the given key you need to use id prop instead of key as it is reserved keyword in jsx

<T id="home.title" />

// <h1>Home Page<h1>

Other translationFunction options are accepted in an unchanged form, for example, to pass

// product.productsLeftInStock_plural = "{{product}} has {{count}} products left in stock" */

<T id="product.productsLeftInStock" product="Zoe Tank" count={3} />

// -> <span>Zoe Tank has 3 products left in stock<span>


Some React Components implement handy conventions to makes translations easier. They also improve the shape of translation resource files as it imposes a certain way of organization. But please bear in mind that none of them are required and there is no need to follow them.


FormFields can use its name attribute to build translation key for its label or placeholder based on translation context set via i18nId property on Form component. The rules are:

  • FormField label - [Form.i18nId].[]FieldLabel
  • FormField placeholder - [Form.i18nId].[]FieldPlaceholder

In the following example, email FormField will have an automatically translated label if a translation for the signIn.emailFieldLabel key (and placeholder, when signIn.emailFieldPlaceholder) will be found.

import { FormField, Form } from "@deity/falcon-ecommerce-uikit";

() => (
<Form i18nId="signIn">
<FormField name="email" type="email" required autoComplete="email" />
// ...

Above rules would be overwritten by usage of regular label or placeholder attributes of FormField component.

Using default resources

Default resources (if configured) will be merged with your custom translations from ./i18n directory.

To use default resources you need to install @deity/falcon-i18n npm module (or any other compatible) which contains default translations

npm install --save @deity/falcon-i18n

Then in file you need to update i18n configuration. Add @deity/falcon-i18n package name into resourcePackages array.

Imported package (like @deity/falcon-i18n) can contain more languages and/or namespaces than you are interested in. So if you don't want to use all of them (to save bundle size, or just not to use some namespace as it's not relevant to your project) you can filter them out by using filter option - that will instruct webpack to skip items not listed in the filter property.

module.exports = {
i18n: {
resourcePackages: ["@deity/falcon-i18n"],
filter: {
lng: ["en"],
ns: ["translations"]

Above example configuration will deliver to your project default translations namespace from English language.


  • mainSource: string - relative path to your custom i18n resources which should extend defaults
  • defaultSources: string[] - array of absolute paths to resources which should be merged to your custom i18n resources
  • output: string - relative path to output directory
  • filter.lng: string[] - array of language codes to filter defaultSources directories, if any, then only matching will be returned, otherwise all of them
  • filter.ns: string[] - array of namespace codes to filter defaultSources directories, if any, then only matching will be returned, otherwise all of them

All paths should point to directories with file structure compatible with {{lng}}/{{ns}}.json pattern, e.g:
